
Latest News from MHM

#Route66 – Legends

It was a privilege to chat to some legendary veterans about their experiences on this tour – with top tips from Amelia today, please watch today’s vlog and remember to #donate here https://give.everydayhero.com/uk/the-… #route66 #biketoursforthewounded #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness

#Route66 – Ethos and values

I’ve been thinking about values and ethos while on the Wounded Warrior Challenge run by Bike Tours for the Wounded. Plus great to talk to some fantastic veterans… Help us to help wounded veterans https://give.everydayhero.com/uk/the-… #MentalHealth #route66

#Route66 – Day 6 – Nurture Relationships

  After a very, very long, arduous day, here’s the latest from the First Wounded Warrior Challenge run by Bike Tours for the Wounded. Nurture those relationships around you… Help us to help wounded veterans – donate here https://give.everydayhero.com/uk/the-… #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #route66

#Route66 – Day 5 Belief

The latest from the First Wounded Warrior Challenge run by Bike Tours for the Wounded! Help us to help wounded veterans – donate here https://give.everydayhero.com/uk/the-… and as a thank you here’s some stunning images of mountains and a little vlog about belief. #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek

Route 66 – Day 3 – Close Encounters

The brakes are off… Day three of the First Wounded Warrior Challenge run by Bike Tours for the Wounded! Help us to help wounded veterans – donate here https://give.everydayhero.com/uk/the-mentalists #MentalHealthWeek

Route66 Day One – The Flight… or is it?

Day one of the First Wounded Warrior Challenge run by Bike Tours for the Wounded! #MentalHealthWeek – follow the hashtag #Route66 for all our updates. I’ll be posting about the challenge and things we’ve learnt each day. Stateside, here we come!

Overcoming Adversity Through Resilience and Teamwork

We all have an ability to overcome adversities within our personal and professional lives, some deal with the more challenging better than others due to their levels of resilience. But who decides how difficult each challenge is and whether we can overcome it or not? Do we set ourselves up for failure simply through our […]

rough runner, bike tours for the wounded

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A really interesting and engaging session today, thank you so much for attending. It’s not often that such a session will provide a full action plan for an organisation and some really key areas to address, in order to address Mental Health within the workplace. Highly recommended any organisation having Mark come in and speak to your staff, your managers or your leaders! Thanks again Mark!

– Katy Frith, HR Manager, Havebury

I highly recommend Mark, the depth of his knowledge and the manner in which he openly talks about a subject that affects so many lives is nothing short of inspiring.

– Danny Morgan Tech IOSH, Health, Safety & Facilities Manager

It was a pleasure and an honour to have you in this morning to speak about PTSD Mark, I know the team took away some great insight and learning around this topic. Thank you

– Glen Clayton, Aspire Oxford