The story began on Saturday 14th April 2018, when Mark, Amelia and David: Team Mentalists, took on the Southern Rough Runner 10km to raise money for Bike Tours For The Wounded – BT4TW, who supports Military personnel that are wounded, injured or sick, physically or mentally, and is considered to be career or life limiting through serving their country.
The Rough Runner is a gruelling 10km cross-country route, with FIFTEEN challenging obstacles along the way, climaxing in the world famous “Travelator” at the end of the course.
Whilst the challenge itself is a worthy foe, there was an added dimension to this challenge. Take into consideration that Army Veteran Mark Warwick has debilitating, physical and mental, medical conditions meaning he cannot walk further than 50m without being in chronic pain and that they covered 200 times that distance, plus tackling fifteen obstacles along the way. It now begins to dawn on you the sheer size of the challenge that faced Mark, Amelia and David when they took on the Rough Runner. Changes the dynamic substantially now, doesn’t it!?
Now comes the biggie! Bike Tours For The Wounded – Wounded Warrior Challenge.
Each year Bike Tours For The Wounded strives to provide the opportunity for 52 servicemen, servicewomen and veterans to be taken on a motorcycle tour of Route 66 or an amazing tour of the Wild West as a pillion. This is achieved through the numerous fundraising activities we organise and the generous donations from the general public and supporters. These tours can be both mentally and physically challenging, yet have been proven to be extremely beneficial to those who have taken part whilst at varying stages of their rehabilitation process.
This year, Mark Warwick was lucky enough to be invited by Bike Tours For The Wounded to accompany them for 10 days travelling the iconic Route 66 highway in America, along with his loving partner and part-time carer: Amelia Thorpe. Departing on Wednesday 16th May for their starting point in Las Vegas, Mark will be providing a Vlog of their encounters, challenges and experiences, including the good, the bad and the teary.
So buckle in, add this page to your favourites and keep the hankies at the ready, for anything could happen over the next 10 days and knowing Mark, it mostly likely will.